Saturday, October 24, 2009

Jesus on the Radio

You know the world has changed when Jesus sponsors motor sport.

Well, not Jesus per se (although the advertising makes you think otherwise) but an extraordinary attempt by the Jesus All About Life campaign to perform that well worn cliche: "reach out to the younger generation."


It's a gallant effort though. Disillusioned adolescents everywhere are crying out for a dose of religion to get their formative character-building lives back on track. How unsatisfactory, exposing youth to adversity so they can develop coping mechanisms for the future. The answer surely is to "show them the way." The one size fits all solution to living the perfect Christian life.

Why don't other religions pick up on this theme? Can you imagine - "Muhammad, All About Judgement Day?" It is doubtful our society would be as welcoming of an Islamic youth outreach campaign. Even perfect Australia, the most "tolerant" of nations. 

It can't be cheap either, plastering the son of God on utes, touring cars, and Mini Coopers. If you believe the website, production costs are courtesy of the NSW Bible Society. You have to wonder if this bible society operates from a offshore gas platform or if there's more than is publically declared.

What has happened to religion? Sacred and secular have forever been antonyms, now they are one. Rock bands in Church, Jesus on a race car. What's next - an extra holy McJesus Value Meal at McDonalds?

There are many ways to be a Christian, many ways to have a relationship with God. These campaigns are flawed as they project the one and only way for a Christian to be faithful. They alienate people who cringe at the thought of Jesus on a burger. People who believe religion is sacred and about a personal relationship rather than "getting high on Jesus."

Good God. Jesus must be rolling in his grave.