British indie rock bands are as ubiquitous as fast food chicken outlets. Fresh baked from London, Cajun Dance Party offer a spicy selection of indie in their debut The Colourful Life.
Like any good party, the title track starts us off with a light-hearted take about honey and Wrigley's gum whilst commentating on the ups and downs of modern life. We next taste pop radio's The Next Untouchable leading us into the sublime No Joanna. A stripped down arrangement of synth, strings, and electric overlayed with Daniel Blumberg's cockney about a summer break up.
Daniel challenges biology in Amylase, using it to dry up plaster, rather than break down sugars A light-hearted poke on the exchange of body fluids during love to fix soggy feelings from the past? Perhaps.
We cruise downhill through The Firework and Buttercups with profound lines such as "is that her smiling or a reflection of his own toothed face?"
Landing finally on the The Hill, The View, & The Lights. A background of syncopated unwired snare warms us to Vicky Freund's sassy lounge-bar defiance of gravity. Blumberg returns us firmly down to earth with full drums juxtaposed with airy ride and a distant Freund. Clearly, the highlight of the album.
And what an album. Well structured, brilliant songs, typical indie rock but then with enough variation to make it somehow not.
Like fast food chicken with a difference.